Tuesday, January 1, 2008

It starts out fine.. but then.. you see the oreos..

Lucy and Luna enjoy their cob! See Luna's left eye a bit prominant.. ouchies!

-Oh sure it always starts out fine. But then you see the oreo bag. Breakfast, 1 oz. dry oatmeal w/ non fat milk, 1/2 banana, green tea w/pomogranate, squeeze of lemon. yum! Snack, tangerine. Ice water. Lunch, salad greens with the ever delicious nutrisystem "tuna salad" on top, more ice water. Dress it up with crystal light green tea with immune boosting pomogranate extract, vitamin c, more ice chips.

Then some saboteur comes home with Oreo cookies in the peel back stay fresh cellophane baglet, and you think.. well, one oreo is like the same amount of calories as a tangerine.. so one little substitution isn't going to make any difference at all. And, I can have a half of glass milk, with the ONE oreo.. so .. ten oreos later, you blew it so you may as well eat them all, because you already blew it for today anyway and start it tomorrow.

So, I have 28 dinner entrees, and 15 lunch and 15 breakfasts. That means 15 times I blew it. wah!

The next time I see oreos, I shall scream and run fast away. I keep looking at my jordache jeans. The last time I wore them, I went to see Jerry Seinfeld at the comedy store. And my sweater had padded shoulders. And I had big hair. ;o

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